Compliance, Academic Support and Student Services
Merce Poindexter
Senior Associate Athletic Director for Student-Athlete Welfare & Compliance
Grace Frederickson
Director of Academic Services
Callaway Kinney
Director of Compliance
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Grace Frederickson

Grace Frederickson

Director of Academic Services


Grace Frederickson was hired in summer 2022 as Academic Support Coordinator before being promoted to Director of Academic Services in March 2023. She also serves as the staff advisor to Valpo's Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC). 

Frederickson arrived on Valpo’s campus in August 2021, spending the last year as an academic services intern before her recent promotion to a full-time role. She helps manage eligibility, organization, time management and academic support for student-athletes while serving as a liaison between coaches, professors, advisors and student-athletes.

Frederickson’s experience prior to Valpo includes working with the Governor’s Scholar Program in Danville, Ky. and with the Murray State University baseball program as an operations intern. She graduated with a master’s degree in sport management from Liberty University in May 2021 after completing her bachelor’s degree in organizational communication at Murray State University in December 2019.