Women's Basketball Coaches
Mary Evans
Head Coach
Dominique Doseck
Assistant Coach
Jon Hill
Assistant Coach
Kaylin Speedy
Director of Basketball Operations
Luke Campbell
Director of Sports Performance (FB, WBB)
Emily Rohman
Graduate Assistant
James Sroge
Graduate Assistant
Julie Vick
Administrative Assistant
Full List
Kaylin Speedy

Kaylin Speedy

Director of Basketball Operations

Phone (219) 464-6931
Email Kaylin.Speedy@valpo.edu

Kaylin Speedy returned to the Valpo women's basketball staff in 2022-23 as the program's director of basketball operations and enters her third season in her second stint in that role. She previously worked as the program's director of operations from 2019-21 after spending the 2018-19 season on staff as a graduate assistant.

Her role on Valpo’s staff includes organizing travel plans and meals for all games, developing a monthly newsletter sent to alumni, recruits and coaches through social media and mentoring student managers during practices and games.

Speedy received a master’s in sports administration at Valpo in 2020 after completing her undergraduate degree in fisheries and aquatic sciences at Purdue in May 2018. While at Purdue, Speedy served as a manager on the Purdue women’s basketball team from 2014-2018 and was the head manager by the end of her time in West Lafayette. She prepared and organized equipment for practices and games, traveled with the team and recorded stats during practice.