Laurel Hosmer
Interim Director of Athletics
Theresa Augle
Administrative Assistant for Athletics
Merce Poindexter
Senior Associate Athletic Director for Student-Athlete Welfare & Compliance
Candy Jessen
Associate Athletic Director for Business Services
Brandon Vickrey
Associate Athletic Director for Strategic Communications (FB, MBB, BASE, MGO, WGO, WTE, T&F, XC)
Erica Fedornock
Assistant Athletic Director for Marketing and Ticket Operations
Lanie Steinwart
Faculty Athletics Representative
Full List
Brandon Vickrey

Brandon Vickrey

Associate Athletic Director for Strategic Communications (FB, MBB, BASE, MGO, WGO, WTE, T&F, XC)

Phone (219) 464-5396

Brandon Vickrey serves as an Associate Athletic Director for Strategic Communications, a role he has occupied since March 2023. Vickrey joined the Valpo Athletics team as Assistant AD for Media Relations in September 2016. 

In addition to overseeing all aspects of the department's communication efforts, Vickrey serves as the sport administrator for men's and women's golf programs. 

Vickrey is the primary media relations contact for men’s basketball, football, baseball, men's and women's golf, women's tennis, cross country and track & field. He spent three seasons as the women’s basketball contact before taking over men’s basketball responsibilities for the 2019-2020 season. He also spent four years as the contact for the men's soccer and men's tennis programs from 2016-2020. During his time working in athletics media relations, Vickrey has helped increase the department’s visibility and media coverage. He is the official scorer for home baseball games and the lead statistician for men's basketball and football home games, using StatCrew and NCAA Live Stats programs.

Vickrey was recognized as part of the College Sports Communicators (CSC) inaugural "30 Under 30" class in December 2022 as he was honored as one of the top 30 athletic communication professionals nationally under the age of 30. During the 2020-2021 season, Vickrey was part of the Valpo Sports Information Office that was honored as the Missouri Valley Conference Sports Information Office of the Year. 

Vickrey works closely with the department's corporate sponsorship partners on in-game and social media sponsorship fulfillment, schedules and provides oversight for student workers and works closely with on-campus colleagues in advancement on donor engagement pieces.

In addition to handling sports information and media relations responsibilities for his assigned programs, Vickrey serves as the host of many of the department’s video interview segments. In addition, Vickrey handles color commentary on road radio broadcasts for football and men’s basketball alongside longtime play-by-play broadcaster Todd Ickow and previously contributed to road radio broadcasts for the women’s basketball program. His voice can also be heard at Valpo baseball games, where he serves as the public address announcer.

During his time at Valpo, Vickrey helped the department promote its transition from the Horizon League to the Missouri Valley Conference. He also served as the media relations contact for the football team’s first winning season in 15 years, promoting the accomplishments of student-athletes and 2017 Pioneer Football League Coach of the Year Dave Cecchini. Vickrey also promoted the accomplishments of a successful Valpo men’s tennis program, including the program’s 2017 Horizon League Championship and NCAA Tournament appearance.

A member of College Sports Communicators (previously known as CoSIDA), Vickrey served as the media relations contact for the 2019 MVC Women’s Golf Championship, the first Missouri Valley Conference Championship event hosted by Valparaiso University, before also serving in that role for the 2019 MVC Cross Country Championship, the Fall 2021 MVC Individual Tennis Championships and sharing that role for the 2022 and 2023 MVC Indoor Track & Field Championships.

Vickrey’s written work has garnered attention from CoSIDA/CSC, as he received a District 5 award in the Fred Stabley Sr. Writing Contest on 13 occasions. His 2018-19 feature story on women’s basketball player Dani Franklin was honored after he previously won District 5 Season Preview/Recap of the Year for his 2017-18 Valparaiso University women’s basketball season preview. In 2020-21, Vickrey was one of eight athletic communications professionals in the nation to earn multiple Fred Stabley Sr. Writing Contest Awards. His piece on former Valpo men's tennis coach Jim Daugherty earned the District 5 Award for coach/administrator profile, while his #OneTeamOneBoat piece recapping the 2019-20 Valpo men's basketball season was honored as the best season recap/preview in District 5. Vickrey added his fifth CoSIDA award when his Spring 2021 Valpo football preview was the best season recap/preview in District 5, the second straight year he won that category. In 2022, his recap of Valpo football at New Mexico State won the District 5 award for best event coverage, while his feature on Jamie Stangel was the District 5 runner-up in administrator/broadcaster profile. In 2023, his story on Roger Powell Jr.'s introduction as men's basketball coach was the District 5 winner for event coverage, while he had five stories earn District 5 runners-up in various categories - general feature (student-athlete balance Christ College, Division-I athletics), historical feature (A Look Back at the 2003 Valpo Football Championship Team 20 Years Later), season recap/preview (football season preview), athlete profile (football player turned men's basketball walk-on Anthony Sciarroni) and coach/administrator profile (men's basketball staff member Lubos Barton).  

During his undergraduate days, Vickrey served stints as sports editor of The Torch, Valpo's student newspaper, and as sports director at WVUR, Valpo's student campus radio station. He also contributed to numerous broadcasts on WVUR and ESPN3 in play-by-play, color commentary and studio roles for Valpo soccer, football, volleyball, basketball, baseball and softball. He was the play-by-play voice of the 2014 Horizon League Women’s Soccer Championship on ESPN3.

Outside of Valparaiso University, Vickrey has spent 12 seasons with the Northwest Indiana Oilmen baseball team of the Northern League, including nine as the team’s Director of Communications. With the Oilmen, he is the lead play-by-play broadcaster and oversees communications for both the Oilmen and the league as a whole. He also spent three years writing for the Post-Tribune newspaper as a freelancer writer, serving as the paper's beat reporter for Valparaiso University football while also handling the prep tennis and swimming beats. A fixture on the Northwest Indiana sports scene since his freshman year of high school, Vickrey gained experience with Ideas in Motion Media, the parent company for the websites,, and After starting as a coverage team member, he was elevated to an office role with Ideas in Motion Media, overseeing a staff of part-time coverage team members.

Vickrey has worked for 89.1 FM The Lakeshore in Merrillville, Ind., serving as a board operator and update anchor during the station’s Gary SouthShore RailCats, Indiana University basketball/football and Purdue University basketball/football broadcasts. He was also a correspondent for the station’s prep football show, Lakeshore Gamenight, and occasionally served as a fill-in host. He has also made frequent appearances as a guest on AM 1230 WJOB Hammond, including the program’s popular morning show hosted by Jim Dedelow.

Vickrey has also worked on numerous TV productions as a talent statistician and official statistician. He has filled those roles for games airing on ESPN, CBS Sports Network and the MVC TV Network. He has also input basketball stats for other local colleges, including NCAA Division-II Purdue Northwest in Hammond and Westville and served as the stat inputter for America's Crossroads Classic, an NCAA Division-II Bowl Game played in Hobart, Ind. in December 2019 and December 2021 while filling that same role during the championship game of the Division-II Great Lakes Intercollegiate Athletic Conference title game in women's basketball, hosted in Westville in March 2021. He also filled in as the public address announcer for the Gary SouthShore RailCats of the American Association in August 2021.

A native of Portage, Ind., Vickrey earned a bachelor's degree in digital media from Valparaiso University in 2016 and completed his master's in sports administration from Valpo in 2020.