Men's Basketball Coaches
Roger Powell Jr.
Head Coach
Pat Baldwin
Assistant Coach
Matt Gordon
Assistant Coach
A.J. Moye
Assistant Coach
Lubos Barton
Director of Recruiting & Player Development
Quintin Garrison
Special Assistant to the Head Coach
Sean Taylor
Video Coordinator / Director of Basketball Operations
Seamus Glennon
Director of Sports Performance (MBB)
Morgan Schumacher, LAT, ATC
Assistant Athletic Trainer (MBB)
Julie Vick
Administrative Assistant
Jacob Lindsey
Graduate Assistant
Colin Walls
Graduate Assistant
Full List
Tevonn Walker

Tevonn Walker

Graduate Assistant

Former Valpo basketball standout Tevonn Walker returned to his alma mater in September 2022 as a graduate assistant.

Walker, who will assist with operational duties in his new role, was a standout during his time as a student-athlete from 2014-2018. He sits 14th in program history with 1,405 career points, and also ranks among Valpo’s career leaders in steals (150, tied for eighth) and free throws (342, eighth).

Walker was a member of the 2017-18 Missouri Valley Conference All-Defensive Team after also earning All-Defensive Team honors in the Horizon League in 2016-17. He burst onto the scene in 2014-15, garnering a place on the Horizon League All-Freshman Team. He led the team in scoring in 2017-18, the program’s first year in the MVC, posting 14.8 points and 4.8 rebounds per game while also tying for team-high honors with 48 steals. He ranked eighth in the conference in scoring, second in steals, and seventh in free throw percentage (.779).

During Walker’s freshman season, Valpo won the Horizon League title and reached the NCAA Tournament. As a sophomore, he was a part of the team that reached the NIT championship game.

After his time with the Brown & Gold, Walker signed with the Hamburg Towers of the ProA in Germany. He became a starter and helped his team to a championship. After winning the title, Hamburg was promoted to Basketball Bundesliga (BBL), the top league in Germany. There, Walker competed against numerous former and future NBA players. After two seasons in Germany, the Montreal native returned to his home country to play for Saskatchewan of the Canadian Elite Basketball League (CEBL).

Walker then began coaching for Red Rush AAU program and training players individually.