Men's Basketball Coaches
Roger Powell Jr.
Head Coach
Pat Baldwin
Assistant Coach
Matt Gordon
Assistant Coach
A.J. Moye
Assistant Coach
Lubos Barton
Director of Recruiting & Player Development
Quintin Garrison
Special Assistant to the Head Coach
Sean Taylor
Video Coordinator / Director of Basketball Operations
Seamus Glennon
Director of Sports Performance (MBB)
Morgan Schumacher, LAT, ATC
Assistant Athletic Trainer (MBB)
Julie Vick
Administrative Assistant
Jacob Lindsey
Graduate Assistant
Colin Walls
Graduate Assistant
Full List
A.J. Moye

A.J. Moye

Assistant Coach


A.J. Moye joined the Valpo men's basketball staff as an assistant coach prior to the 2023-24 season. 

Moye, a standout at Indiana University during his playing days who took the Hoosiers to the 2002 national title game before beginning a professional playing career, has trained professional and collegiate players since 2011 as part of Rising Talent Development (Mamba Sports Academy + Sports Academy), serving as the Master Basketball Trainer for Kobe Bryant’s academy.

Moye and Powell were adversaries during their collegiate days as Big Ten rivals, and later finished out their playing careers as teammates with Skyliners Frankfurt in Germany in 2010-11.

Moye has trained countless NBA players including All-Stars DeMar Derozan and Kyrie Irving as well as former No. 1 overall pick Markelle Fultz. Since 2014, he has been part of the boys varsity basketball staff at Oak Park High School in Oak Park, Calif., where the team was ranked in the top 25 in the state of California in every year of his tenure. He previously served as the head boys varsity basketball coach at Oak Christian High School in Westlake Village, Calif. from 2012-2014.

There is no shortage of NCAA Tournament success on Valpo’s staff, as Moye and Powell have both played in the Final Four and Powell and assistant coach Matt Gordon have both coached in the Final Four. Powell is one of just 12 coaches in the last 25 years who has coached in the national title game after previously having played in the national title game. Only two of those coached in the national title game after having played in it for a different school – Powell and Kenny Payne (Louisville / Kentucky).

After earning Mr. Basketball in the state of Georgia in 2000 and earning All-American status at Westlake High School, Moye became a standout with the Hoosiers, where he played from 2000-2004 after coming in as part of head coach Bob Knight’s final recruiting class at IU. He went on to play in the professional ranks in Iceland, Germany and Finland. During that time, he was a 2011 German League All-Star, the 2010 Finnish Basketball Defensive Player of the Year and Finnish MVP, a 2006 German League All-Star and the 2006 Icelandic League MVP.

Moye’s playing career ended abruptly and his life journey was put on hold when he suffered a stroke.

Moye’s family includes his wife Cynthia, his daughter Solana (20), his daughter Bella (4), his son Elisha Kobe (1) and his daughter Lola Faith (three weeks).

What They’re Saying About Coach Moye

Jaime Jaquez Jr., 2023 Pac-12 Player of the Year, Second Team All-American for UCLA: “A.J. has been a huge part in helping me and my career. He has been my mentor, trainer, friend, big brother and a man who believed in me when no one else did. What he can bring to a program is great energy, a positive attitude and an ability to get the best out of his players. He can relate to his players because he has been in their shoes and knows what’s to be expected. His basketball IQ is at an extremely high level. What I value most is that he instills confidence in his players and gets the best out of them at all times. He is more than just a coach, he is a leader and teaches lessons that carry beyond basketball. He will make an impact that will last a lifetime.”

Riley Battin, Four-Year Starter at Utah, Scored Over 1,000 Collegiate Points: “A.J. Moye is a fantastic person and trainer. He is able to connect with all kinds of players in a personal way that builds real love with those around him. His commitment to the game and constant improvement is so contagious to those around him. He is a selfless leader who has impacted so many throughout his life.”