Men's Basketball Coaches
Roger Powell Jr.
Head Coach
Pat Baldwin
Assistant Coach
Matt Gordon
Assistant Coach
A.J. Moye
Assistant Coach
Lubos Barton
Director of Recruiting & Player Development
Quintin Garrison
Special Assistant to the Head Coach
Sean Taylor
Video Coordinator / Director of Basketball Operations
Seamus Glennon
Director of Sports Performance (MBB)
Morgan Schumacher, LAT, ATC
Assistant Athletic Trainer (MBB)
Julie Vick
Administrative Assistant
Jacob Lindsey
Graduate Assistant
Colin Walls
Graduate Assistant
Full List
Quintin Garrison

Quintin Garrison

Special Assistant to the Head Coach


Quintin Garrison arrived at Valpo as Special Assistant to the Head Coach prior to the 2023-24 season after previously serving as the associate head coach at Trinity International University, where he had been part of the staff since 2018. Prior to that, he spent six seasons on the coaching staff at Bolingbrook High School in Illinois and helped the team to a 94-26 record over his final four seasons. Garrison has coached and developed two NBA players and five others who have gone on to play professionally in Europe.

In 2014, Garrison founded Hoopers Basketball Club, a travel basketball organization. He operated as a coach and director of operations and recruiting. Garrison graduated from the University of Illinois in 2005 with a degree in finance. He and his wife Kay have two children, daughter Audrey and son Gavin.

What They’re Saying About Quintin Garrison

Todd Abernethy, FAU Assistant Coach: “Valpo made a great hire in Quintin. Not only is he a great coach and teacher of the game, but he has a unique ability to connect with players and gain their trust. He will be an amazing mentor to the young men on the team and will add value to the program because of his experience at the high school and college level. He was an invaluable resource in my first year as a college head coach, and I’m confident that he will do the same for Coach Powell and Valpo Basketball.”

Greg Miller, Trinity International Head Coach: “Coach Q is excellence personified. The way he approaches his work on a daily basis is the same approach that every program in the country would be happy to have. He made our program better each day through building genuine relationships with our players, recruiting high character and high caliber players, helping each player to be the best possible version of himself on and off the court and all while being a man of integrity. Coach Q is a great hire for Valpo Basketball.”