Men's Basketball Coaches
Roger Powell Jr.
Head Coach
Pat Baldwin
Assistant Coach
Matt Gordon
Assistant Coach
A.J. Moye
Assistant Coach
Lubos Barton
Director of Recruiting & Player Development
Quintin Garrison
Special Assistant to the Head Coach
Sean Taylor
Video Coordinator / Director of Basketball Operations
Seamus Glennon
Director of Sports Performance (MBB)
Morgan Schumacher, LAT, ATC
Assistant Athletic Trainer (MBB)
Julie Vick
Administrative Assistant
Jacob Lindsey
Graduate Assistant
Colin Walls
Graduate Assistant
Full List
Derek Bol

Derek Bol

Strength and Conditioning Coach


Derek Bol completed his eighth season as a member of the Valparaiso athletics staff in 2019-20, working with the Valpo men's basketball, women's basketball and men's tennis teams as a strength and conditioning coach.

Bol came to Valpo having most recently worked as a speed and strength coach at TC Boost, where he worked to develop personalized speed and agility and training programs for each client.  He also supervised client and NFL draft combine workout sessions, among other duties.

Prior to starting at TC Boost, Bol served as a strength and conditioning intern with the University of Louisville football program.  He also has been a strength and conditioning intern for the Chicago Bulls and the Iowa State football program.

A May 2010 graduate of Iowa State with a bachelor's degree in kinesiology with an emphasis in strength and conditioning/health fitness management, Bol is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist by the NSCA and is a USAW Performance Coach.  Bol spent two seasons playing on the Iowa State men's varsity hockey team. He earned his master's degree in sports administration from Valparaiso University in 2013.